2025 is the year for the 50th ICQCC which is an important milestone in this half of the century. Advanced technologies like smart manufacturing and AI are the focus of the industry in this era. However, STANDARIZATION is the prerequisite for making advanced technologies practical and ensuring quality stable. For standardization, the “brainpower” and “continuous improvement thinking” of grass-root employees are crucial, and QCC is an easy and effective tool.
Taiwan owns the world-leading semiconductor technologies and foundry manufacturing. One of the “quality improvement strategies” is actively asking and facilitating their suppliers to promote QCC activities. Manufacturers and suppliers then obtain excellent results.Taiwan’s medical quality is also well-known around the world. QCC is the useful tool implemented for improving medical technology and service processes. There are many excellent cases worth sharing.
The 50th ICQCC will be hosted from Nov 3rd to 6th at TICC by PQCRA. We warmly welcome all QCC enthusiasts from all over the world to share their best practices and innovations with one another.ICQCC is held annually by the CCM members in turn without interruption. Many scholars have praised this convention as the Olympics of QCC activities. On the occasion of this historic 50th anniversary, we look forward to your coming to join us at this great event. Welcome to ICQCC 2025-Taipei.
「先鋒品質管制學術研究基金會」將於2025年11月3日~6日,假台北國際會議中心舉辨大會,熱忱歡迎來自全球的品管圈同好,共同分享品質改善的最佳實踐與創意思維。 「國際品管圈大會」一年一度,從未間斷,諸多學者讚譽此大會堪比品管圈活動推行的奧林匹克。值此具歷史意義的第50屆大會,期待每一位參與者到來,共襄盛舉!
Yeh Shih-Shui 葉斯水
PQCRA President 董事長